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Minced Garlic Preserved in Olive Oil

We use a LOT of garlic in this kitchen. We plant several varieties of garlic in the garden based on spiciness, flavor, and storage. This garlic was harvested in June, and a few cloves are starting to go soft. So rather than sacrifice the whole bulb, we simply peel them all, chop them in a food processer, and pack them in olive oil to use as a quick source of garlic. This also allows the garlic in storage to stay there all winter.

Minced Garlic Preserved in Olive Oil

Peel enough garlic to fill a large jar.

Grind into small bits using the grater tool on a food processor. You can also cut all of this by hand if you’re feeling froggy.

Push the garlic down into the jar leaving 3-4 inches of open space at the top.

Cover with a good quality olive oil allowing the oil to soak into all of the air pockets.

Using a knife, skim the sides to release any air bubbles deep in the jar.

Fill with more olive oil until all of the garlic is covered with none poking out on top

Store in refrigerator
